Below are some common FAQs. However, If you require anymore information please contact us at the store either via email - edegrees_shop@aapt.net.au or by phone on 02 6652 9229. We are open 7 days a week. Note, we try our best to respond to messages on social media but for anything urgent please use the details above.
I Have Forgotten My Password
If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, then please follow the steps below:
+ Click on the My Account Icon in the right hand corner.
+ Underneath the Login button will be the “Forgot Your Password?” option. Clicking this will prompt you to re enter your email address.
+ Once submitted we will send you an email which will contain a link to reset your password. The link will take you to a page where you can create a new password for your account.
I Can't Place My Order, What Should I Do?
If a payment has been declined when you have tried to place an order, then we would recommend making sure the details you have entered are correct, this includes:
+ The card details.+ The billing address for the card.
+ The security code (CVV) on the back of your card.
I Haven't Received An Order Confirmation Email
If you have placed an order but an order confirmation email has not been received, then please double check the information you used when submitting the order. If there is an order number showing in your account then this order would have been submitted correctly. However, if you're still unsure please contact us.
Where Is My Order?
If your order has not arrived when you were expecting it then please check the following:
+ Check you have received a shipping confirmation email from us.
+ Check the tracking link via your shipping confirmation email to view the most up to date information on the whereabouts of your parcel.
+ Sign in and check your account on our website. Is your delivery address correct? Are your contact details up to date?
+ Check for text messages, emails and attempted delivery cards from our shipping providers. Your parcel may be awaiting collection at a local delivery depot or you may need to re-arrange delivery.
+ Check no one else residing at your address has taken receipt of your parcel.
If you still can't locate your parcel then please contact us. We will endeavour to find your parcel straight away.
Can I Change My Delivery Address?
For orders placed online we do provide the option to deliver to an address different to the billing address. However, for security reasons, this service is discretionary. We reserve the right to only deliver to the billing address, or to verify details with our customers before delivering to a different address.
If you have made a mistake with your delivery details please contact us immediately, by phone on 02 6652 9229.
Orders placed over the telephone must be delivered to the billing address.
Please note, we can make no guarantees to change of address prior to delivery, if order has entered processing, but will endeavour to assist in any way.
Do You Ship Outside Australia?
No, we only ship domestically throughout Australia.
Can I Track My Order?
Yes. You will be sent a shipping confirmation email as soon as your order has been completed. This email will also contain your tracking number.
How Do I Know If My Order Has Been Sent?
You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order has been sent. This email will also contain your tracking information.
There Is A Problem With the Order I Received
If there is an issue with your order when you receive it please contact us at the store either via email - edegrees_shop@aapt.net.au or by phone on 02 6652 9229. We will do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as we can.
Do You Accept Gift Vouchers?
We accept Gift Vouchers in our retail stores. We accept virtual Gift Vouchers online. Please note, our virtual Gift Vouchers cannot be used in store and our in store Gift Vouchers cannot be used online.
Why Can't I Add An Item To My Bag?
If you are having an issue adding an item to your cart then this product may have already sold out. This could be down to the limited nature of the item. To avoid a potential oversell of an item we will stop this from being added to customers bags.
Are All of Your Products Genuine?
Yes, we are licensed stockists for all of our products. They are 100% authentic.
Can I Get More Information On A Product?
Yes, contact us and will try to provide you with all the information you require.
How Do I Collect My Purchase if I select Click and Collect?
If you select Click and Collect at checkout, we will send you an email or SMS, advising you when your purchase is ready for collection and which store you can pick it up from. If for any reason, you can't make it to that store, we are more than happy to arrange for you to pick it up from one of our other locations.